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There are a-l-o-t of details that go into planning your dream wedding. From keeping track of vendor contracts to checking off your ever growing to-do list, there are several important things to keep track of. Which is why staying organized is essential when it comes to wedding planning (unless you want to be pulling your [...]

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Amid the overwhelming joy and love, you – like most new brides – are probably feeling this pit in your stomach of “where do I even begin?!” when it comes to planning your wedding. Planning your wedding can be months or even years in the making. So it’s important to lay out a thoughtful plan [...]
Planning your wedding: where to start!

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This month we’re bringing you our quarantine favorites, for those of you, like us, who might be going a little stir crazy cooped up in their houses with the coronavirus still swooping the nation. We’re grateful for our health and the warmer temps that April is bringing, but also hopeful this will all be over [...]
For those of you, like us, who might be going a little stir crazy cooped up in their house with the coronavirus pandemic still swooping the nation, we’ve rounded up this month's favorite things - quarantine style! So if you’re looking for some fun ideas to pass the extra time at home, here are a few of our favorite things no matter what stage of life you're in! #quarantine

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A couple weeks ago, I introduced you to our newest Lead Coordinator, Kendra (you can meet her HERE), and today I’m excited to now introduce you to another Lead Coordinator of ours, Brittany! As you’ll read below, Brittany has been a part of the JDWC Team for almost 4 years now and has played an [...]
Lead Wedding Coordinator; Professional Wedding Coordinator Team Photos; Indianapolis Day of Wedding Coordinator; Off the shoulder blue top | Ivan & Louise Images