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5 Quick ways to improve your Google ranking! Raise your hand if you want to increase your visibility and start ranking on the first page of google! We’ve all heard the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) –– and if you haven’t, Google it now. You’ll thank me later! –– and know that it’s important for [...]
Whether we're new in business, or several years in, SEO should be top of mind if we want to increase our visibility, get our name out there and reach our ideal clients. On the blog, we're sharing 5 quick ways to improve your Google ranking and increase visibility today!

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5 Benefits of using email templates. Have you ever heard the phrase “time is money”? Well, it could not be more true – especially when you own your own business. And it is something I for one have learned the hard way as a small business owner. When I first started my wedding coordination business, [...]
5 Benefits of Using Email Templates for Wedding Planners. Learn why I think every wedding planner and day of wedding coordinator should be using email templates in their wedding planning businesses. Plus you can snag the exact email copy my team and use for communicating with both prospective clients and current clients, as well as their wedding vendors.

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In today’s post I want to share the benefits of defining your niche and why I think doing so can elevate your brand. As a company who focuses solely on Day of Wedding Coordination, we’re often asked (more so out of curiosity) if we’ll ever offer more than just day-of services for our couples. And [...]
3 Benefits of Defining Your Niche - How defining your niche can elevated your brand | define your niche, niche marketing, niching services, industry expert, industry leader

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Today I want to talk about attracting ideal brides. If you are a new wedding planner, you may consider anyone who wants to pay you as your ideal client. And while that is a perfectly normal feeling when you’re just starting out, I bet you’ve had your fair share of less than ideal brides that may [...]
4 Tips to Attracting Ideal Brides for New Wedding Planners; Ideal Brides; Attract Ideal Brides; Attracting ideal clients; ideal client | Jessica Dum Wedding Coordination