This month we’re bringing you our quarantine favorites, for those of you, like us, who might be going a little stir crazy cooped up in their houses with the coronavirus still swooping the nation. We’re grateful for our health and the warmer temps that April is bringing, but also hopeful this will all be over soon.
In the meantime though, we’ve rounded up our favorites no matter what stage of life you’re in. So if you’re looking for some fun ideas to pass the extra time at home, here are a few of our favorite things this month – quarantine style! 😉
For getting organized
- Non-Slip Hangers – if you’ve been purging your closet through quarantine like we have, coordinating hangers always make our closets feel so much more clean and organized.
- Stackable Bamboo Containers – organize your pantry with these cute stackable containers!
- Acrylic Drawer Organizer – we love these for storing makeup mainly because it’s easy to see what’s in each drawer and it keeps the dust out! Amen to that!
- Clear Food Containers – another staple for organizing the pantry are these air tight food containers. They’ll make you want to decant everything in sight!
For wedding planners + business owners
- Erasable Pens – where have these been all of our life?! These erasable pens make our Type A brains feel so much less crowded.
- Emergency Kit Checklist – now’s the perfect time to restock your wedding day emergency kit. Here’s what’s in our bag, plus a free downloadable checklist!
- Creatives Calendar Dry Erase Board – Jess’ favorite way to plan out and execute big business goals is on a large dry erase board in her office. We love all these functional, yet pretty, wall calendars by Lindsay Letters.
- Desk Chair – we adore this pretty, yet functional, white desk chair!
For brides
- Simplified Wedding Planner – for the brides that want to get a jump on wedding planning, this one’s for you! We’re big Emily Ley fans over here, and she just launched a Simplified Wedding Planner earlier this month that we’re SURE is nothing short of amazing!
- Gold Table Number Frames – trying to source wedding décor while quarantined can be tough. These gold glass frames would be perfect for your table numbers, or any other miscellaneous signs you might need.
- Wedding Registry Guide – with more down time on your hands, create a registry right from your very own couch. We’ve rounded up our favorite must-have registry items that are practical and pretty!
- White Shift Dress – how adorable is this white dress perfect for a rehearsal, wedding shower or even bachelorette party?!
For the book worm
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert – a book for those wanting to live a more creative life and one that will inspire and empower you to chase that big dream of yours!
- When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley – another Emily Ley favorite. This one’s for you if you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the noise and looking for a feel good book!
- Building A Story Brand by Donald Miller – if you struggle to convey your message to clients, this one will transform the way you talk about who you are, what you do and the unique value you bring to the table!
- High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard – a great read for adopting better habits to help you achieve long term success whether you want to get more done, lead others better, or even develop skill faster. Highly recommend!
For self-care
- Sweeter than Honey coloring book by Lindsay Letters – this coloring book turned art prints, is great one to make you slow down and take a moment for yourself. It even makes for a great quarantine gift to drop off on a friend’s porch, too!
- Brightening Facial Scrub – a favorite cheap, clean and vegan friendly facial scrub!
- Silicone Face Scrubber – love this for exfoliating the face and removing dead skin. And it leaves your face so soft!
- Dry Shampoo – If you’re like us, you’re living off of dry shampoo these days. This one’s a favorite!
For family fun
- Magnolia Table Volume 2 – get yourself and/or the kids in the kitchen to try a new recipe. Or two, or three! We love Joanna’s first cookbook and cannot wait to try this one out! Her recipes are easy to make and so good.
- Paint Puzzle or Rainbow Popsicle Puzzle – we haven’t done a puzzle in years, but this quarantine has sparked a new found love for puzzles! These colorful puzzles bring so much joy!
- Qwixx Card Game – such a fun game to play whether it be just 2 of you, or even 5 of you!
- Bluetooth Speaker – Turn off the TV and blast some feel good music – whether it be while you’re cooking, working in the yard, playing outside or even curled up with a book!
The JDWC Team
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