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Have you given any consideration to your follow-up sales process lately? It’s so important, and yet it’s often forgotten or underutilized by wedding planners. Let's take a minute to imagine two scenarios: You've just hopped off a complimentary consultation call with a prospective couple. They seem like a great fit! You really connected with the couple [...]
the follow up sales process for wedding planners

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Selling your wedding planning services can be pretty terrifying. To this day, I still get a little bit nervous before complimentary consultation calls! However, I have created a tried and true workflow and system for my consultation calls and have gained so much more confidence! I often see my coaching clients ask questions about complimentary [...]
How To Run a Complimentary Consultation for Wedding Planners | Jessica Dum Education

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Have you ever walked into a potential client meeting feeling unprepared or not completely confident in selling your services? Better yet, have you ever walked out of a potential client meeting feeling like you totally blew it? Well friend, me too! When I first started my wedding coordination business, I was not 100% confident in [...]
My proven approach to a potential client meeting that ends in a sale | client meeting, potential client meeting, client consultation, potential client consultation, complimentary consultation, complimentary client consultation, meeting prep, selling services, sell services, land the sale, book the bride, book more brides, ideal client, ideal brides