Business education, wedding planning tips, and a peek into my life!

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Over the last several years, I’ve been coaching and mentoring fellow wedding planners and coordinators who want to grow their wedding planning businesses and get more wedding inquiries. Chatting with fellow wedding planners about this has quickly become a new favorite thing of mine, because I’ve been there. I created JDWC from a place of [...]
5 Ways to Get More Wedding Inquiries | grow your wedding planning business, grow your wedding biz, wedding planner tips, business tips, ideal brides, ideal clients, wedding planner

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As a wedding planner, you spend a lot of time working with your couples. From initial consultations to dozens of emails back and forth to researching décor and vendors, it adds up quickly! Oftentimes, planners never take the time to track how much time they work on each client's wedding. But we are going to [...]
4 Reasons You Should Be Tracking Your Time Spent on Client Work

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As a wedding planner, you are focused on all of the fine details. From working with multiple vendors, booking clients, and chasing around getting final payments, there are many things you have to juggle! And while you might pride yourself in your attention to detail, sometimes things slip through the cracks. You get into a [...]
How A CRM System Will Organize Your Wedding Planning Business - Jessica Dum Education

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Between having limited time due to a busy wedding season and an ever-changing algorithm that often has us wanting to get off Instagram altogether, it can be challenging to find the motivation to show up consistently and continuously create new content. If this is you, know you’re not alone. Today, I want to share my [...]
Wedding planner Instagram Tips

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Any small business owner knows that running your own business has its perks! You can control your own schedule, set your own rules, and do the work you love! However, running your own business can also be lonely. Either because you’re working by yourself all day, you’re looking for a more collaborative experience or a [...]
Where To Find Accountability as a Wedding Planner - Jessica Dum Wedding Planner Coach and Educator

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I know all too well what it’s like to be new in business and unsure how to increase visibility. On one hand, it’s absolutely thrilling to be chasing your dream and finally have a job you love. On the other hand, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. It’s a lot of late nights and early [...]
Increase visibility and start attracting higher paying, ideal clients with these 5 quick ways to up-level your new wedding planning business.