Business education, wedding planning tips, and a peek into my life!

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Congratulations! Your Complimentary Consultation went great, and your client is ready to book! You’ve popped some champagne to celebrate, but now what? What steps do you need to take to make sure they start working with you with ease and don’t double guess their decision to book you? That is where your onboarding process comes in! [...]
Common Onboarding Mistakes (And How To Fix Them) | Jessica Dum Education

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As a wedding planner, you are probably a people-pleaser. It’s in our nature to want to serve! But does your client experience reflect this? Your client experience goes way beyond just the planning process. It is a complete reflection of the experience from the discovery phase, to problem-solving, to the post-wedding experience. And it’s not [...]
Mapping Out Your Client Experience For Wedding Planners + Coordinators | Jessica Dum Education

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Have you given any consideration to your follow-up sales process lately? It’s so important, and yet it’s often forgotten or underutilized by wedding planners. Let's take a minute to imagine two scenarios: You've just hopped off a complimentary consultation call with a prospective couple. They seem like a great fit! You really connected with the couple [...]
the follow up sales process for wedding planners

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Selling your wedding planning services can be pretty terrifying. To this day, I still get a little bit nervous before complimentary consultation calls! However, I have created a tried and true workflow and system for my consultation calls and have gained so much more confidence! I often see my coaching clients ask questions about complimentary [...]
How To Run a Complimentary Consultation for Wedding Planners | Jessica Dum Education

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Have you ever been at a wedding as a vendor, and were handed a 10+ page client timeline? It can be pretty overwhelming! The goal for client timelines is to create a simple, easy-to-read, and clear overview of the day’s events. While it's important for us as planners and coordinators to be fully aware of [...]
tips for client timelines for wedding planners

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In every business, there comes a stage where you start to hit walls. You started this wedding planning business with so many incredible ideas! You read all the blogs, put in countless hours of marketing work, and have a few weddings under your belt. But you start to feel a little bit overwhelmed about what [...]
5 signs it's time to invest in coaching - Jessica Dum Education