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Over the last several years, I’ve been coaching and mentoring fellow wedding planners and coordinators who want to grow their wedding planning businesses and get more wedding inquiries. Chatting with fellow wedding planners about this has quickly become a new favorite thing of mine, because I’ve been there. I created JDWC from a place of [...]
5 Ways to Get More Wedding Inquiries | grow your wedding planning business, grow your wedding biz, wedding planner tips, business tips, ideal brides, ideal clients, wedding planner

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In today’s post I want to share the benefits of defining your niche and why I think doing so can elevate your brand. As a company who focuses solely on Day of Wedding Coordination, we’re often asked (more so out of curiosity) if we’ll ever offer more than just day-of services for our couples. And [...]
3 Benefits of Defining Your Niche - How defining your niche can elevated your brand | define your niche, niche marketing, niching services, industry expert, industry leader

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Today I want to talk about attracting ideal brides. If you are a new wedding planner, you may consider anyone who wants to pay you as your ideal client. And while that is a perfectly normal feeling when you’re just starting out, I bet you’ve had your fair share of less than ideal brides that may [...]
4 Tips to Attracting Ideal Brides for New Wedding Planners; Ideal Brides; Attract Ideal Brides; Attracting ideal clients; ideal client | Jessica Dum Wedding Coordination