Time is money in business

Wasting time on things that aren't moving the needle forward. With a little automation, improve your efficiency and productivity in your wedding planning business with these time-saving tips!

Building a wedding planning business, especially if you’re also working full time, takes a lot of work.

Come up with the perfect branding, consistently show up on Instagram, write all the blog posts, attend those networking events, design the perfect mood boards, and oh yeah – don’t forget to actually meet with clients, work on their details and execute their wedding day flawlessly..

But here’s the thing, just because you do all those things doesn’t guarantee you a profitable and sustainable wedding planning business.

I’m sure by now we’ve all heard the term ‘time is money’.. and it could not be more true.

Something I learned early on in in this small biz life was to shift my mindset to see dollar signs when attending industry events or working on business tasks. So often we focus on things having to be absolutely perfect before we hit publish. Before we hit send. Before we put ourselves out there.

(HI! It’s me. 1000% guilty!!)

Wasting time on things that aren't moving the needle forward. With a little automation, improve your efficiency and productivity in your wedding planning business with these time-saving tips!Wasting time on things that aren't moving the needle forward. With a little automation, improve your efficiency and productivity in your wedding planning business with these time-saving tips!Wasting time on things that aren't moving the needle forward. With a little automation, improve your efficiency and productivity in your wedding planning business with these time-saving tips!Wasting time on things that aren't moving the needle forward. With a little automation, improve your efficiency and productivity in your wedding planning business with these time-saving tips!
Time is money my friend. And by automating certain tasks you do often in your wedding planning business, you’ll find yourself saving HUNDREDS of hours every year just by being able to quickly plug and chug client details time and time again without reinventing the wheel with every new client.

When you let go of everything having to be perfect and feeling like you have to do #allthethings just because X wedding planner is doing them, BIG THINGS will happen in your wedding planning business.

You’ll find yourself focusing on only the things that truly move the needle forward.

So the next time you go to:

  • Design that mood board
  • Write that email
  • Create that timeline
  • Craft an Instagram caption
  • Track and record those client details
  • And the list goes on..

Let perfectionism go by the wayside and instead focus on efficiency and automation.

And this is why I created templates for my business.

By automating certain tasks you do often, you’ll find yourself saving HUNDREDS of hours every year just by being able to quickly plug and chug client details time and time again without reinventing the wheel with every new client.

And if you’re at all thinking that automating your business will take the personal side out of it, I disagree. You can absolutely automate emails, systems and timelines that feel personal, professional and one of a kind for each client.

Ready to automate your biz?

Visit the shop today for time -saving templates designed specifically for wedding planners and coordinators!

Drowning in your inbox? Snag the exact email templates I use for communicating with clients and wedding vendors in my very own wedding planning business!






